Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nurturing Faith and Family

*edited 6/21/2010
**I will no longer be posting here, but returning to blogland with my dear friends at xanga.  there are many inspiring blogs that I will keep up with here, so you still will see a comment from me! for those who I comment that I do not know, here is a little about my family and I.
end edit***

We seem to be heading in a different direction than most modern American families...we have chosen to forgo some of  the "necessities" of our current culture to happily live with less. We have chosen to educate our children at home as well.  I believe the role of "at home" mother and homemaker is a high calling and I am so blessed to be home each day with our children to nurture and teach them.  We have two children, Hank, and Scarlett Grace.  We are expecting a third blessing in March 2011!

our son, Henry "Hank", born 2/2008

our daughter, Scarlett, born 7/2009

and we were married 5/2006
